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Is Dennis Rodman in rehab?

TMZ is reporting that Dennis Rodman entered a rehab facility this morning, days after he was arrested for felony domestic battery.

Rodman was arrested at 11 pm April 30 at a Century City hotel, and he was released early May 1 on $50,000 bail.

"Last night Dennis and his girlfriend had too much to drink. When they returned to their hotel they started arguing and a minor altercation broke out where Dennis grabbed her by the arm and left a bruise," Rodman's manager Darren Prince told TMZ after the arrest.

Hotel security then called the LAPD.

Prince also said: "his drinking has been escalating in the last six weeks due to a nasty divorce and not seeing his children in over two months."

Alleged victim Gina "Gigi" Peterson told TMZ: "If I had to be the one to go through it to have that be the catalyst [for rehab] ... I'm glad it was me."

However, Peterson, had a temporary restraining order filed against her six weeks ago by her ex-husband and the father of her four kids!

George Peterson from "The Real Housewives of Orange County" stated that his ex-wife had a history of violence toward him and their kids, and also made threats and was in court-ordered psychiatric lockdown.