'Harry Potter' author J.K. Rowling wrote an 800-word long prequel to her bestselling seven-book series - and it's up for bids tonight at a charity auction in London.
"Given the enormous interest we have seen in recent times for autograph work by J.K. Rowling, the prospects for her story card are good to say the least," said Philip Errington of Sotheby's auction house, which is running the sale. "There is just no telling how high the bidding might go."
The cards are part of the "What's Your Story? auction at Waterstone's Booksellers Ltd. flagship store. Proceeds benefit English PEN, the writers' association and Britain's Dyslexia Action. Copies of the cards will then be made into a book available in the central London store and online in August.
Waterstone's said they distributed 13 of the postcard-sized papers to authors and illustrators, including Rowling, novelist Margaret Atwood, Nobel Prize winner Doris Lessing and playwright Tom Stoppard.
Rowling hand wrote her prequel on the front and back of the card, but event organizers refused to comment on the contents.
UPDATE: The prequel sold Tuesday night for $49,323, or approximately $59 per word.