The website, subtitled "Two Chicks Chatting," is set up as dialogs between the two women addressing specific topics surrounding the Clintons. The two women state their history with Clinton, then begin to talk in a causal setting.
During the 1992 presidential race, Flowers claimed to have had a 12-year affair with presidential-candidate and Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton. Clinton initially denied the allegation, but during his deposition in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case, acknowledged a sexual encounter with Flowers.
Jones accused Clinton of sexual harassment, saying he made an unwelcome sexual advance in 1991 in a Little Rock hotel room while he was Arkansas governor and she was a state employee. Her lawsuit set in motion the events that led to Clinton's impeachment.
Flowers had some advice for Hillary Clinton, claiming she knows the reason she didn't get the Democratic nomination. She told Extra-TV that Bill was her downfall stating "My advice to Hillary would be to divorce that chump."