Heidi's insurance policy may sound a bit outrageous, but more and more celebrities have policies that cover their trademark features.
J. Lo. takes the cake. It's been rumored the singer/actress has a $600 million policy covering her. Her policy is said to protect her booty for $400 million and her breasts for $200 million.
Celebrities insuring their... features is not something new. Marlane Dietrich had her voice insured for a meager million, the same amount Betty Garble insured her legs for - coining the phrase "million dollar legs." Fred Astaire had a slightly smaller policy: only $75,000 per leg.
Body parts seem to have the most policies, with legs coming in the lead, but there are the exceptions. Dolly Parton has her 42-inch breasts insured for $600,000.

Like Bruce Springsteen's voice? Well you'll be glad to know that it's covered for $6 million. And Rod Stewart would cash in on his policy should his scratchy voice ever become clear.
There are some strange policies out there too. British food critic Egon Ronay insured his taste buds for $400,000 and cricket player Merv Hughes took out a £200,000 policy on his mustache.