Today Dane Cook twittered some news which smelled of April Fools... Thankfully we here at PCM didn't run with this but waited out Dane to come clean...
Early in the day we got this:
Damn excited 2 share a secret! I'm going 2 b in the new Twilight film! It's a huge role.Im thrilled 2 b playing vampire! Cool news ain't it?
Later he posted this tweet:
i said the same thing when they offered it to me tonight over dinner! The producers put vampire teeth on my salad and asked me to join!
Now to me, that was the give-away. "They put vampire teeth on my salad..." Sorry Dane. I wasn't biting. LOL
Personally I love Dane. He's your typical Hollywood can stick it but I'll take the money type guy. At the close of the day Dane gave what should be the final tweet on the matter:
I'm proud / sorry to admit I am not going be in the new Twilight film. To all the people that wrote and said "WTF DANE TWILIGHT IS CRAP" -- I know you are thrilled. To all the people that said "daaaaannneeee I'm so happy 4 uuuuuu and can't wait to experience the vampire LeCook" -- I know you feel duped. I thought the April Fools of it all would be tipped when I wrote "cool new ain't it" ... and anyone who knows me knows I am an avid AINT IT COOL NEWS reader ... thought that might tip it off ... well that and the fact it was APRIL FUCKING FOOLS DAY!!!!!!One thing I want to point out. Over a few short hours several websites ... cough ... extra ... ran with it. If you wonder how all the bullshit and lies about your favorite artist end up becoming some odd world fake-fact actualities there you have it. Just because someone posts youtube videos/blogs doesn't mean a damn stitch. It's all superfluous crap unless it comes DIRECTLY from the person you are interested in listening to. That being said I now have to go since I'm in Africa hunting big game with paintball guns. I just shot a lion green and pink.SU-FICook
Hopefully one day we at PCM will score an interview with the great Dane. And not only will that be no April Fools joke, you can rest assured the news will be accurate.
-Lars Hindsley