Singer and Idol Alum Clay AIKEN, has finally come out of the closet and admitted he's gay. The new DAD tells People magazine, "I cannot raise a child to lie or hide things."
For years he has denied the constant rumors and speculation over his sexuality. Clay Aiken rose to fame during his stint on the second season of American Idol. Later in 2003, he released his debut album "Measure of a Man" with sales close to 3 million. He later released two follow-up studio albums, a Christmas album, wrote a book, completed summer and winter solo tours, and even a run on Broadway. He had a baby, through in-vitro, with longtime producer and friend, Jaymes Foster. His son, Parker Foster Aiken was born on August 8th, 2008.
Clay Aiken has deemed this time the best time come out, and we congratulate him and wish him all the best! For more info, check out the October 6th edition of People Magazine.