Almost everyone I know absolutely loves Louis Vuitton. When the term "designer handbag" is said, no doubt, Louis Vuitton is one of the first name brands that come to mind. It's classic and will forever be in style. :D
I was lucky enough to own my very first LV bag when I was 16 years old. My Mom gave me this (not the actual picture):
Around this time, I also found a black LV scarf in my Mom's closet (which means she doesn't own it anymore because I asked for it, lol). And then, when I was 17, my parents gave me a Speedy 30 as a Christmas/ early 18th birthday gift. :D
I love my bags and scarf very very much. I expect that my next LV purchase would now come out of my own pocket (unless Mommy and Daddy feel like being generous, hahaha). I'm keeping my fingers crossed. ;)
Louis Vuitton has sooo many different kinds of leather goods to choose from - bags that are both classic and trendy. They also offer shoes, sunglasses, and ready-to-wear clothes for both men and women.
Here are some celebrities who love Louis Vuitton:
Tyra Banks
Jessica Simpson (Who could ever forget her LV dog carrier?)
Beyonce and her $52,500 Limited Edition LV Handbag
Jessica Simpson (Who could ever forget her LV dog carrier?)
*all images are from Google*
So, ladies, what are your thoughts on Louis Vuitton? :D
Oh, and btw, Happy 1st of May! Summer is almost here. :)