Sacha Baron Cohen is officially retiring the characters of Borat and Ali G.
The success of the former has made it impossible to ambush unsuspecting people, he said.
Cohen created Borat and Ali G almost a decade ago, but the popularity of the movie Borat has made his antics as the beloved characters impossible.
"When I was being Ali G and Borat, I was in character sometimes 14 hours a day, and I came to love them, so admitting I am never going to play them again is quite a sad thing," Cohen said. "It is like saying goodbye to a loved one."
Last January Cohen intimated to National Public Radio that his characters may have overstayed their welcome. "I think the days of me going undercover are probably over," he said.
These days Cohen is busy caring for the new baby girl his wife, Isla Fisher, had in October.
"I try and keep that part of my life separate from the professional part because I don't think it helps people appreciate the work or the comedy or make me any funnier if they know what's going on at home," Cohen told the Telegraph.