After tallying all the votes made for the top 6 bands left in MTV2’s Dew Circuit Breakout contest, the final three have been chosen! The three bands that were voted to take part in the Dew Circuit Breakout Finale live on MTV2 December 15th are…
The Material
From: San Diego, CA
Sounds Like: Paramore, Jimmy Eat World
Them Terribles
From: Santa Barbara, CA
Sounds Like: The Hives, The Strokes
The MyriadFrom: Seattle, WA
Sounds Like: Catherine Wheel, Radiohead
You can check out videos from MTV’s trip to each band’s hometown here
MTV is now asking every fan of music to head over to http://dewcircuitbreakout.mtv2.com to vote for the band that they think deserves to win this year’s Dew Circuit Breakout! Bands like Taking Back Sunday, Halifax, Yellowcard, Hawthorne Heights, and Hellogoodbye got their first big break by winning this contest, so voting for this really does matter!