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Lindsay bashes others when wasted

People obviously do a lot of dumb things and make comments they may not otherwise when they are drunk. Well, Lindsay Lohan is no exception, and seeing as how she is drunk more than the average person, I guess that means she puts her foot in her mouth more than the average person, as well.

A former "party pal" of Lohan told the National Enquirer "When Lindsay Lohan gets really wasted, she gets mean and arrogant and often backstabs her Hollywood competition."

Lohan brags that she is the greatest actress in the world, and she has made rude, inappropriate comments about a number of Tinseltown stars, including:

- Scarlett Johansson - "ugly, fat, and has no talent"
- Jessica Simpson - "can’t sing and is as dumb as (bleep)"
- Sienna Miller - "no talent crackhead"
- Keira Knightley - "flat, shallow, cardboard cutout of an actress"
- Jessica Biel - "phony, scheming joke of an actress"

But I guess those comments come as no surprise considering the lewd remarks she wrote about Johansson on a bathroom mirror in a club one time. Oh well, what else can you expect from a egotistical, immature crackhead?... oops... that must have been the alcohol talking.