Now Magazine is claiming Brad Pitt and Angelina are not the happy couple they seem. Despite Brad's comments about how he and Angelina have sex under a waterfall in their backyard etc... the prevailing thought is that these two are not in marital bliss.
How does Now come to this conclusion? Most recently at Canne's the couple worked the room separately. And... a unknown source claimed the couple had an argument hours earlier. Now claims the cause is that Angelina is the jealous type and insisted Brad not pose with his co-star for the film they he is promoting (Inglorious Basterds) Diane Kruger.
Here is my take as a PCM writer that was also once married to a drop dead gorgeous woman. One, arguments happen. And yes, the most attractive women are usually the most insecure and get wound up easy. But what really gives this this story legs in my opinion as a fact finding writer, is that most Hollywood marriages come tumbling down right when we all think they are the most safe and secure. Could we all be on the cusp of a bombshell break-up between Brad and Angelina?
If so, that wow! Brad's countless quotes in the past year will really make him a fool. From claiming Angelina as a soul mate to his stories of how happy he is with the mixed family, every word he's quoted will make him a fraud on a stellar level.
It's a break-up I've sensed was coming a for a long time. Angelina is well beyond high maintenance, she's required Brad an Alpha male if you've ever seen one to follow her lead in life. From politics, human rights and family values. Brad is your prototypical man's man that has lived the "Fight Club" lifestyle before meeting up with Angelina. Bottom line is these two are combustible and have yet to ignite. If they are for real, Brad has give up his own life for Angelina's and that's noble, but in the history of mankind it seems that sooner or later true colors come out. How long will Brad play Angelina's tune?
Let's all admit to what we speculate. Angelina is a "B" on wheels and Brad is a guy that historically doesn't take crap from a woman. No matter how hot she is on the outside, it's what is on the inside that a counts. How long will Brad be "Brad-handled"?
If they break up, that will be the key reason why, but you may not read it in media. Until then you can just watch and see if Brad and Angelina are a fraud.