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The news recently is that former Miss USA (1991) Kelli McCarty is featuring in a porn film. In the same way that Internet dating has broken through the social stigma, Kelli McCarty is taking the lead on an important next step in social injustice. Legitimizing sex on screen.
Now before any hypocrites weigh in, let's be honest. You watch porn. If you don't your spouse or friend does. You just don't admit it. It's like not admitting that you... well in the words of "How I Met Your Mother" ...you don't admit you 'read magazines'. And isn't that it? Shows like Seinfeld and others crossed the line with sexual content. Other shows in prime time have taken up the cause of gay rights. Just 30 years ago, gay content would not be just be censored, it was silenced by networks. But now, it's cool to be gay. You'd hardly know that at one time being gay was socially unacceptable. Even Marvel's Stan Lee is touting his next character (on TV) as the first gay superhero. Oh... and there are many existing gay superheroes. Actual comic book readers yawn at this news. Why? Because we are not uptight. The world is getting less uptight. Another example would be teen pregnancy. No longer is that 'so bad'. With the exception of porn and politics it seems every divide we have is being closed.
So when Kelli McCarty a former Miss USA Queen says, "I enjoy acting,and I really like sex ... so this was the perfect opportunity to combine two of my passions." Do you really get it? Sex is hardly taboo in Europe, but here in the land of the free and home of the brave, if you have porn on your hard drive you are branded a sicko. Come on folks, admit it. Kelly McCarty is not a burned out actress looking to make a buck. She's a trailblazer to be respected and admired.
Now go check out Kelly McCarty's trailer for Faithless! (Not safe for work or with children present). You'll only need an e-mail to preview the softcore version.