OK, before you think Mickey Rourke is cracked up, consider his most excellent thank you speech. You see, Mickey won the Golden Globe for best actor in The Wrestler, a low budget indy film that has been received by critics over the past few months as the best film of the year. The character Mickey plays in the film is not far removed from the hardship Mickey himself has gone through. However if you know Mikey's past, he had it all. This guy really honestly had it all. With films like Angel Heart and 9 1/2 Weeks, he was stunning in the 80's. Then he nosed dived his career. At least he admits it was all his fault. His story could be a movie itself. He all but vanished.
Then with his performance just two years ago in Sin City, it was his comeback role. Now with TheWrestler, he is poised to be on top again (in discussions for super-villain role in Iron Man 2) But all that time in between... It made him human. You know, one of us. He grew to understand the value of a dollar and the value of friendship. In his case when all friends left him (and not all) he was left with what many of us turn to for solace--his pets. So in a heartfelt thank you speech at the Globes, Mickey thanked among others, his dogs. "Sometimes when you're alone, all you got is your dog and they meant the world to me."
And to prove he isn't really cracked, here is a video of him taking one of his dogs to red carpet event recently. He wasn't kidding at the Globe's he was real.
Further more Mickey gave a great speech. Here is thanking his Director Darren Aronofsky . Mickey calls Darren "a tough SB" to which Aronofsky answers by giving Mickey "the finger" with a laugh. Catch it on this video while it lasts.