Opec wants American's to pay more for gas. Again. They just bled the cow dry. Our economy collapsed due to sustained high gas prices. People paid for gas on credit cards for over two years and every American that isn't in the top 2% is broke. Unless you are Madonna (and even she is a miser I hear) or Tom Cruise, or someone loaded with money, you are hurting. You may have been fired or live in fear of your job. No one in your family except the children are getting Christmas gifts. Have I nailed this?
Here is the stupid headline of the day...
Iraq says 80 dollars a 'reasonable' price for oil
Price fixing is illegal in the US. Anyone that thinks we can forget about an electric car or any other alternative form of propelling our automobiles simply because gas has come down for a short time is an idiot.
Yes, I said it. Idiot. We Americans on mass need to wake the hell up. Just because a problem doesn't show it self in front of our faces, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Gas is down. Does this mean we should forget the hell we just went through?
Tesla, get us a regular passenger version car done soon please? And our own big three, dumb asses. Figure it out will ya! We need a car that doesn't run on petro gas!
OPEC = Greed.
And hey America... Remember when you pump gas in your car. You are sending your paycheck to an Arab Nation that has no interest in our economy. Are you even aware that over 1.6 Trillion dollars in construction is going on in the Gulf which is more than a 1/3 increase since 2007 alone. Where is the money coming from? YOU and ME. Every drop of gas is money leaving our country and making another one rich. To date, our money has built the Burj Al Arab Hotel, perhaps the most luxurious hotel in the world. Then there is Hydropolis which would NEVER be possible if it were not for a ludicrous amount of disposable income by the OPEC nations. Then there is the Palm Jumeirha which you can see from space! This isn't just a landmark, it's entire body of land built up out of the sea by American's.
But hey we are decadant American's with loads of extra cash that we don't need. $80.00 for a barrel of oil. No problem.