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Double Standards Just as Strong in Hypocritical Hollywood

The permanently pubescent stricken Jonas Brothers were flashed by adoring female fans this week. If you are not up on the Jonas Brothers, they have sworn off sex until marriage. So what is the worst thing anyone could do to these poor boys?

Yes, the answer is the temptation of female anatomy. In this case young girls held up a sign TAKE US WE'RE YOURS and dutifully lifted their shirts exposing their breasts. God... how can these girls take it so far! It's just not fair to these young boys. Fortunately the boys had the wisdom to cover their eyes.

Here is where societies hypocrisy comes into play. Were the girls arrested? Nope. Security just ordered them to lower their shirts and asked to leave. If a man did this, security would have beat them senseless out the door and police would have been called with charges made. Thank you Hollywood for this one time where you were no different than the rest of the country. Women really do get away with much more than men.