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Beautiful Blogger Award

I'm so thrilled that the super sweet Helena from A Diary of Lovely has passed the Beautiful Blogger Award on to me!  Thanks again, Helena!!

The rules of this award are:
  • Thank the person who nominated you for this award (check!)
  • Copy the award and place it on your blog (check!)
  • Link to the person who nominated you for this award (check!)
  • Tell us 7 interesting things about yourself.
  • Nominate 7 bloggers (with links).
The last two are a little more tricky.  Seven interesting things about me?!  Eeek (maybe I'll just go for random things!)  And just choosing seven blogs to nominate is so hard -- there are so many amazing blogs I've discovered, but here goes...

1.  I'm a newbie blogger, just started in December, and loving it.  I have "met" some wonderful people and gathered so many ideas from the great blogs out there.  Its been a really fun, eye opening experience for me.

2.  My favourite colour is blue. My favourite colours in interiors lately are purple, grey, black and white. I love Mary McDonald's style (among other designers) and adore the interiors of Molly Sims' and Jessica Stam's apartments (as seen in InStyle and Elle Decor, respectively).

3.  I'm addicted to Nutella. 

4.  I'm pretty much a crazy person for accessories--shoes, bags, jewellery...In her post Helena mentioned a hankering for a Chanel bag--one that I absolutely share.  There are so many bags and shoes I'd love to get my hands on!  Another accessory I love?  Headbands!

5.  I love to travel.  While I love a beachy holiday or a Las Vegas weekend as much as the next girl my heart has always been in Europe.  I would go back to Italy, Spain and Greece a million times over if I could and there are still so many other places in the world I'd like to see (Morocco, Egypt, Croatia, the list is endless...)

6.  I like sports and have always followed hockey and soccer.  I was born 3 days after Italy won the World Cup in 1982 (to a calcio obsessed father) so I don't think I had much hope, its always been in my blood.  I can't wait for the World Cup this summer (fingers crossed Italy call pull things together.) 


7.  I'm all about books, TV and movies.  I think I have varied tastes, but the older I get the more I find myself gravitating to the light hearted reads and funny movies.  I just want to be entertained.  My husband, M, makes fun of my taste in TV--admittedly, a lot of it is bad, but its so terrible I just can't help myself (Real Housewives or Cheaters anyone?)  I'm addicted to Gossip Girl and I absolutely can't wait for LOST to start again.  Can't. Wait.

Now for the really hard part, picking only 7 blogs to pass this award along to:

Daniella @ dress design decor

Crystal @ Plush Palate

Giovanna @ Swoon

Nicki @ The Cherry Blog

Emily @ Perfectly Put Together

Alaina @ Live Creating Yourself

Emily @ Emily A. Clark

Photos:  Google Images, WeHeartIt

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