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Pattinson Weirded Out By His Fans

A word of advice ladies, when you attempt to get Twilight star, Robert Pattinson to fall in love with you, don't use fresh bloody wounds to do it.

Pattinson has already had enough of his fair share of crazed fans, especially the ones that led him to being hit by a NYC taxi. Let's just say obsessed fans might not be Robert's favorite. Pattinson stated, "People ambush me and try and find out what hotel I’m staying at, as well as wanting to touch my hair,” he said. “Everyone just screams and screams. It still feels surreal. One time, there were these four girls, in Chicago I think, and they had all scratched their necks until they bled. And then when they came up to me they had these bleeding scabs. It was gross!"

Pattinson's craziest fan of them all... "A mother recently gave me her baby and asked me: 'Can you please bite her head?" according to the actor. Fans do realize that he's not really a vampire, right?