For those who have not caught up, get watching, but read no further!
The wait is finally over and I have to say it was definitely well worth it! Hopefully, Losties everywhere are just as pleased as I was with the premiere episode of Lost Season 4. Just as usual Lost style, this episode leaves us with just as many questions and mysteries to unravel, with very little answers.
In this Hurley-centric episode we start off with Lost's new mind warp the flash forward technique. We jump back and forth in time between the future off the island and the events unfolding on the island. Apparently there is a big secret among the survivors who have been rescued and it is tearing them apart. It would appear that they have made the wrong choice, by leaving the island. While it is still unclear at this time how the survivors eventually do get rescued, if you can even call it that, one has to wonder why things are being made so hush, hush.
Throughout the episode there is a new power struggle at play between Jack and Locke and the rest of the survivors seem to be picking side and splitting up right down the middle.
Is Ben telling the truth, are the so-called rescuers not who they say they are? I guess we will just have to sit back and watch how this all plays out. I think at this point my vote is going to Locke's side of things...after all the island and Jacob (ultimate leader of the Others or the island itself) seems to speak most clearly to Locke.
It appears that next week we will be introduced to some new characters, the rescue team from Naomi's freighter. I definitely do not believe these people have our survivors best interests in mind, plus we all know how new comers to the cast are viewed in this show, need I even mention Niki and Paulo. Anyway...hope you all had a chance to view the premiere and please leave me your opinions and feedback....let the idea swapping begin. Tune to to Lost next Thursday on ABC.