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Rock Faces Only a Mother Could Love

"We Will Rock You" will always be one of those songs that brings back memories. I can remember in my younger years, when The Mighty Ducks 2 came out, Queen was first thrust into my life with that song. That song, along with "We Are the Champions" became the pinnacle song of one summer of my youth.

When I got a little older I was reintroduced to Queen, while watching Wayne's World. That scene where they perform "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the car is stuff movie legends are made of. To this day whenever "Bohemian Rhapsody" comes on the radio my friends and I cannot help but recreate that scene.

It was after that song that I really decided to get more into Queen. I bought a Greatest Hits album, got to know the music, and found that I really liked the band for more then the three songs that had been made into pop culture icons.

VH1 was playing footage from Live Aid. I was already heartbroken to learn that Freddie Mercury had died in 1991, so I was eager to see Queen perform live in my living room, even if the show was from 1985.

But wait, something wasn't right. What were those things coming out of Freddie Mercury's mouth? Are those his teeth? Yes, they are. Those things busting out of his mouth and reaching past his lips at an outward 45 degree angle, reaching like Mercury himself, to grasp the hands of eager fans, indeed are his teeth.

Never judge a book by its cover. It's amazing that such a tenacious voice can come out of such a hideous mouth, but it does. Throughout the ages some of the best sounds have come from some of the ugliest rockers. There music is great, but if you see them live front row seats may be worse on your eyes than the deafening speakers are on your ears.

Here's out list of some of rock's ugliest rockers:

Tom Petty:
If is name was Tom Pretty that would certainly be false advertising. This Rickenbacker playing icon certainly isn't a "heartbreaker" for his looks, but his voice and song writing talent certainly makes up for what his face lacks.

Steven Tyler:
It must be his "10-inch record" that gets the ladies, because it certainly isn't the mouth. Seriously how big is that thing? Recently the Aerosmith front man looks like he's had a massive facelift. The only problem is it looks like they lifted on side higher than the other.

The Motorhead musician's photo speaks for itself. I just hope this wart and acne laden photograph wasn't a promo shot.

Keith Richards:
The Stones guitarist looks more and more like a zombie every year. I honestly don't know what's keeping him together. That leathery skin would make one great pair of shoes. Look out Italians your leather industry monopoly is coming to and end.

Neil Young:
Young just recently released a DVD with Crosby, Stills and Nash called Freedom of Speech. Why freedom of speech? Because no one wants to look at him.

Mick Jagger:
The Rolling Stones are the only band to have two member on this list making them the world's ugliest band. The strange thing is, Jagger has been involved with so many gorgeous women. Maybe it has something to do with his personality?

Iggy Pop:
John Lennon may have had a long face, but Iggy Pop's has two distinct acts. There's the top saggy and less defined part, and then there's the bottom pronounced elongated jaw line. Not to mention he likes to perform without a shirt, showing off his twig of a chest. Everything together, they do not make a good mix.

Joey Ramone:
Punk was never meant to sound good, so it's no surprise that the band that revolutionized the genre was fronted by one of the ugliest dudes in the world. He was long and disproportionate. On stage he looked like a squawking bird, but the man could rock.

Honorable Mention - Michael Jackson:

Ol' Jacko used to be normal, so that's why he gets an honorable mention. Also, he's more scary then ugly. Someone should do a YouTube video of his transformation from normal to scary. And just remember Michael Jackson did this to himself.