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Global Warming Strikes Again With Growth in Ice-Bergs

Damn that Global warming! The Anchorage Daily News reports that after two-hundred years of ice-berg shrinkage, in 2007 through 2008 "unusually large amounts of winter snow" coupled with "Unusually chill temperatures" caused ice-bergs to... I hope you are all sitting.... Oh. Of course you are sitting... Here it is -- Ice bergs have --grown!

Damn! And as if that isn't enough, soilent green is people! PEOPLE! Oh the humanity!

As if all this global warming wasn't enough, as of June of 2008 glaciologist Bruce Molina states, "On the Juneau Icefield, there was still 20 feet of new snow on the surface of the Taku Glacier in late July."
We didn't try to reach the Atlanta Constitution for a more accurate quote, but we are sure they would have a better grip on global warming than some podunk news paper in Alaska.