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Taco Tuesday! :D

Happy Tuesday, dear friends! :D

I stayed away from my laptop yesterday because I spent some time cleaning, and then studying for my Math exam. I am happy to share that the exam was easy - I didn't really get stuck on any problem. Somehow though, that's kinda scary. After I turned my paper in, I kept wondering if maybe I read the Math problems wrong - How could I have not gotten stuck on any of them?

Do you ever get that feeling?

But anyways, that's done and over with. Moving on, my post for today is all about Taco Tuesday! :)

We didn't really have tacos for dinner tonight (we had chicken curry)... these photos were taken almost a month ago, but I really waited until tonight to post them because I want to call this "Taco Tuesday", haha! ;)

We used McCormick Cheesy Taco seasoning mix:


It made the ground beef taste delicious - cheesy and creamy. It had all that yummy taco goodness.

I ate mine like this:


My sister ate hers with sour cream:


For some reason, I don't like sour cream. I don't really know why.

Our Dad ate his with a hard taco shell:


How do you like to eat your tacos?

Whenever we eat tacos for dinner, we lay everything out like a buffet. It's more convenient to have each make his or her own taco, and it makes cleaning up easier.


We got this tortilla container for a dollar! It's good to have this because it keeps the tortilla warm. :)


Sorry, I know this picture doesn't make it look appetizing!






shredded cheese


sour cream

Do you make your own tacos? What is your favorite go-to place for tacos?

I hope everyone is having a fantastic week!