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Rainy Sunday...

Hi, everyone!

How is your weekend going?

We are having a rainy Sunday here in L.A. It's raining really, really hard --- there's a mini flood by our front steps, and the flowers the gardeners just planted were all washed away by the rain. :/

Another thing the weather isn't helping is me --- my colds and mild fever have escalated into full-on fever and coughing! :/

By the way, thank you so much for your comments on my last post! And I am following the advice you gave me about how to fight this colds/cough/fever. :)

Good thing it's Harry Potter Weekend on ABC Family, haha! ;)

I also made a Polyvore on what I wore to school this past Thursday.
Did you guys wear green on St. Patty's Day?

St. Patty's Day

I wasn't feeling well, so I went for something comfy. :)

I should get back to bed and rest a bit more. I can't wait to be all better again so I can spend more time here on Blogger. I've missed so many days now! :/

Thanks for stopping by! Have a healthy week! :D