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An Inspiring Blog award! :D

Hi, my dear friends! I hope we all had a good start to our week! :D

I would just like to pass on an award that was given to me by the lovely Bree. She gave me An Inspiring Blog Award! Thanks, Bree!

The rules:

a. Post this award (and the icon) on your blog.

b. List 3 things/people that inspire you.

c. Award 5 (or more) other blogs that you believe are an inspiration for others.

d. Let these bloggers know they won this award.

The three things/ people that inspire me:

1. My family, of course.

2. Thinking about and imagining my dreams coming true inspire me.

3. Seeing other people fulfilling and reaching all their dreams/goals despite going through hardships inspires me.

I pass this award on to these other inspiring bloggers:

Nola Girl



The Owl's Closet


These ladies have amazing blogs. Please do check them out if you haven't yet. :D

***To see my Driving Lessons movie review/post, please click here.***

Have a great week, everyone!